This Old Car

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Back window Moter Replacement

The Back window Motor replacement is featured in this article on a 1991 Toyota 4-runner.

The process of assessing what was causing the problem began after smelling the odor of smoke emitted from the back window area, followed by loss of operation on the back window, as well as the front windows and door locks becoming inoperable.

We began the process by checking all the fuses under the car hood and inside the car. These all were functioning.

Mauricio Martinez was featured.

We also checked the motor to see if it was still functional and it was not.

George Galt of Boulder Creek also re-checked the fuses and the replacement motor.

The opened back door motor area:

We located the 35 amp fuse that needed to be re-set which is located on the driver's side of the car just in front of the door. This fuse as reset by pushing a small metal piece in through a hole on the fuse. This reset allowed the front windows and door locks to be operational.

The front controls for the back window where checked to see if functional and although they did not activate the back window, were deemed operational and the problem located between them and the back window motor.

We obtained a used motor for the back window and replaced the motor but without success in making the back window operational.

We next pulled the plastic finishing pieces from the rear of the car, opening up the side wall on the driver's side where the utility box was also lifted out to reveal the relay switch box bolted into the side of the car. Once removed we could smell a slight smoky odor from the switch, opened it and revealed that one of the components inside had whitish smoke residue and determined that the next step would be to replace this switch.


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