This Old Car

Thursday, January 07, 2016


I recently purchased a 1994 Toyota, Automatic, 4 Runner, which is actually a 2 Runner, which actually has only one wheel actively engaged.

I made this choice because the gas mileage is much better without the weight of a 4 wheel drive.

My first repair episode was the radiator hoses wearing out, erupting in much steam and radiator fluid splashing all about.

My repair experience was poor with dropping the vehicle into the hands of the first service station I came across, in Felton.

First, my vehicle was used as a teaching tool for untrained mechanics who ended up damaging 2 other essential parts on the car.

This resulted in the Engine Light coming on, and code 22 signifying which part had been broken by over tightening the hose.

The second damaged part resulted in my car not being able to start up properly from a cold start.

The station brushed off the Engine check light and not running their computer screen to verify the damage, or not wanting to accept responsibility for having broken off the plastic that the hose attached to.

The result of this was my car exploding the next morning when the hose broke off and radiator fluid once again soaked the engine.

I took my vehicle to a different mechanic in Boulder Creek for the $355.00 in damage repair.

The second part broken was responsible for my car not being able to start.


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