Recent letter to the Editors of several local newspapers:
I have response to the recent article on Global Warming.
Co2 is not the major cause.
Co2 is needed by plants to create Oxygen and we can replant our forests, now decimated by 1/2 , made into cow pastures, to help ease the imbalance.
Methane Gas is the most deadly and destructive of all the greenhouse gases, created by 8 billion humans and their livestock, most notably cows. It accounts for 28 percent currently and outweighs all the Co2 sources combined.
This is the inconvenient truth Al Gore does not mention because his family is living off cattle ranching, and your article writer, Gamble, missed this as well.
Methane is something each of us must do something about. We need no government to curtail what we choose to eat.
Unless we can return to Eden, remember the Fruits of the Trees, and all growing, plant based foods as our intended "Meat", all life is being destroyed for our ignorance and violence. There is every good reason to stop the practice of eating flesh.
To those who argue that the bible gives them the right to kill, and site practices from 1 A.D,overlooking Genesis,
What do you think God would say to the current extinctions of all life being driven by out of control population numbers of humans and animals raised to kill for their flesh?
Can you sacrifice your desire for flesh and return to the Garden of Eden, where no violence was committed, where we were instructed to eat the fruits of the trees?
We are in Biblical times of Armageddon and Revelations where 60% of everything living is currently dying.
We have become the beast.
Unless we enlighten and rethink our destruction and violence on earth, all life is currently collapsing.
Only we can stop the killing, the destruction, and pray we can do it in time to avert the current collapse.
To the scientists of the world, who weep for the current path of destruction, do not give up on your outreach. The entire cycle of life is crying out to us to enlighten.
I am hosting VEGAN potlucks every first Friday in Boulder Creek, CA. at Saint Michael's community hall as a means of drawing media attention to this most serious problem of our times.
You can reach me at, or to RSVP at least 1 week in advance.
We are trying to showcase the most exquisite foods on our planet, the only ones capable of healing us and our world.
I am photographing the most interesting foods brought, along with recipes at my broadcast website: "
All who come are asked to participate by bringing their favorite dishes and are being asked to speak about how they created them.
Post your recipes to the email addresses listed for RSVP. I'll be posting them at my website and Facebook, and other appropriate outlets.
All are being asked to bring their own tablesettings, and assist with clean up, sweeping the halls, getting the dishes washed and the kitchen clean.
If you are a talented VEGAN chef you are most especially welcome, as this is intended as educational outreach and shifting thinking.
We sacrifice nothing by embracing a non-violent, plant based diet, and have all life to gain.
Tamara Lynn Scott Scott Com Broadcast Cable Series: Cable 27 - Santa Cruz, California Tuesday and Friday evenings, 5:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:30 p.m. Nationwide on Public Access Cable